Per Nick...
broadcasting this because people have asked about it more than once.
I’d like to pass on some information that I got today regarding three
wire ESU Power Packs and the V5 Decoder Buddy. Alec Herman showed me a
picture of a V5 Decoder Buddy and a LokSound 5 21 MTC installation into an
Overland brass CN SD60F. In the pictures of the installation below I
noticed the white wire of the three wire Power Pack was not going where I
expected. I asked Alec where it went. He told me that he connected
it to pin 1 on the 21-pin connector and it activates the Power Pack. Alec
also found out that the Power Pack needs an unpowered output to activate. The
output for Aux 10 is appropriate where it comes out of the 21 pin connector on
pin 1 and is tied to the Power Pack Control function in the decoder program.
This all means that if you desire, by soldering the Power Pack white
wire to pin 1 of the V5 21-pin connector, the red wire to the U+, black wire to
GND on the V5 Decoder Buddy and programming the output of Aux 10 on the
programmer to Power Pack Control or by changing the appropriate CV, that you
can have a connection of the Power Pack completely to the frame (V5 Decoder
Buddy) without soldering directly to the 21 pin decoder!
The same procedure can be used with the original 8
output Decoder Buddy and the LokSound 5 21 MTC decoder.
similar procedure may be used with a LokSound 4 decoder either Decoder Buddy
May be used. The differences are that the white wire is connected the Aux
6 on pin 3 of the 21-pin connector and the Aux 6 function must be disabled to
program the decoder then enabled to use the Power Pack.
The pictures below show Alec’s installation.