In order to
make full programming possible on any DCC system, ESU has implemented an on-board assistance tool.
This tool allows you to write the number of the desired CV temporarily into two assisting CV's
(so-called address registers), since the usual CV's cannot be reached.
Next the value of the desired CV will be programmed into another
assisting CV (so-called value register). When the value register is written,
the content will be copied to the actual desired position and the assisting CV's will be reset back to 0.
Consequently, 3 CVs have to be programmed to write one CV.
These 3 CVs are described as follows:
CV96 - Address Offset (0 - 9) - Saves the CV number that should be actually programmed in hundreds.
CV97 - Address Offset (0 - 99) - Saves the CV number that should be actually programmed in units and tens.
CV99 - Value (0 - 255) - Saves the CV value that should be actually programmed.
You wish to program CV 317 with value 120.
Proceed as follows:
Program the value of the CV number in hundreds in CV 96.
In this example: CV 96 = 3.
Program the value of the CV number in units and tens in CV 97.
In this example: CV 97 = 17.
Program the desired value in CV 99.
In this example: CV 99 = 120.
As soon as you have programmed CV 99, the value of CV 99 will be transferred
into CV 317.
Once the programming is finished, CV's 96, 97 and 99 will be set back to 0 automatically.
Be sure to program the CV's in order starting with 96 as the data will be automatically written to the CV's once the value in 99 is entered.
This procedure is ONLY needed when programming CV’s above 255 on a system that cannot access extended range CV's.